Qi (Claire) Chen

Results 4 comments of Qi (Claire) Chen

My mAP was also 0 when lr_max was 1.5e-4, but when I set it to 3e-3, it worked. Unfortunately I still couldn't reproduce the author's pointpillar result. Second is also...

> We run test_siamrpn.py on DTB70,uav123 datasets, and the result shows fps is only about 10,but in paper it said 'The Siamese-RPN runs at 160 FPS while achieving leading performance...

> Use the following command to train the model, but model is not produced after the training. > python train_siamrpn.py --dataroot=/home/***/projects/firefox-downloads/Siamese-RPN-pytorch-master/vot2013 --lr=0.001 --checkpoint_path=/home/***/projects/firefox-downloads/Siamese-RPN-pytorch-master/pretrainedModel/weights-0690000.pth.tar Moving https://github.com/songdejia/Siamese-RPN-pytorch/blob/master/code_v1.0/train_siamrpn.py#L247 to the loop of https://github.com/songdejia/Siamese-RPN-pytorch/blob/master/code_v1.0/train_siamrpn.py#L89...

> The code runs only on CPU. I guess the error arises due to the this message: > " Your CPU supports instructions that this TensorFlow binary was not compiled...