
Results 29 issues of q-wertz

Thanks for this so far best solution on Wayland environments. Do you plan to also release this to the snap store or is there a showstopper? (Currently this app is...

help wanted

## Summary It would be easier to know which user is refered to in the Person property fields if it would show the displayname instead of the username. It would...


**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** Hi, I just started using pomatez resp. pomodoro at all. So I might misunderstand the concept. I would like to...


### How to use GitHub * Please use the 👍 [reaction](https://blog.github.com/2016-03-10-add-reactions-to-pull-requests-issues-and-comments/) to show that you are affected by the same issue. * Please don't comment if you have no relevant...

design: papercut

### How to use GitHub * Please use the 👍 [reaction](https://blog.github.com/2016-03-10-add-reactions-to-pull-requests-issues-and-comments/) to show that you are affected by the same issue. * Please don't comment if you have no relevant...

### Steps to reproduce 1. Go to the completed tasks 2. Depending on the symbols the blue bar is longer or shorter with same completed percentage ![length_completed_bar](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/20948931/109413951-12189680-79a8-11eb-8744-5d6b3cdba79f.jpg) ### Expected behaviour...

*Please consider making a Pull Request if you are capable of doing so.* **Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** At the moment (as far as I...


Currently when the library `toml` is missing pydocstyle cannot read the `pyproject.toml` file. It would be nice if also other toml reader would be supported ([`tomli`](https://pypi.org/project/tomli/)), resp. with python 3.11...

### Steps to reproduce 1. Create new file locally 2. Wait for upload 3. Change the file locally (wait some minutes between the changes) 4. In Browser look at activity...

Currently it is (as far as I can see from [templategen/definitions.py](https://github.com/plotly/plotly.py/blob/00c18fd0d09a21f7d0f54c383ff5258fe1ff7d28/packages/python/plotly/templategen/definitions.py) and [templategen/\_\_init__.py](https://github.com/plotly/plotly.py/blob/00c18fd0d09a21f7d0f54c383ff5258fe1ff7d28/packages/python/plotly/templategen/__init__.py)) not possible after applying a template to find out which template was applied. It would be nice...