I might have missed a bit in your source code, but I wanted to implement dependencies for each feature which might serve the purpose, basically whenever I want to switch...
I just had a look at the vamp implementation and I don't quite like it, one of the main goals with my implementation was to get rid of all the...
going back to my initial question, is there a way to normalise the results?
> For scalar features, the caller is expected to provide normalisation. what do you mean exactly? I tried the function descriptor but it seemed to return the default value in...
besides that I've implemented a sort of simple auto calibration, I sample 1 second to find the maximum and minimum values to then clamp the results within the range. The...
what are the conditions to normalise the input? All the functions are based on either the pcm data the spectrum or some derivate of those two. The -1 is exactly...
I understand that, but if you want to use it as an audio library I've got the feeling that you need to have some consistency with the results, whether this...
my "auto-calibration" only samples the results for one second and clamp them between the max and min value, so you can always display something, but I have a few concern...
I'm not sure I'm following you, can you please clarify?
so what you are suggesting is to use my system with some white noise and evaluate max a min values, is that correct? I don't quite understand what you mean...