Aaron Zolnai-Lucas

Results 4 issues of Aaron Zolnai-Lucas

- [x] I have searched the [issues](https://github.com/python-poetry/poetry/issues) of this repo and believe that this is not a duplicate. - [x] I have searched the [FAQ](https://python-poetry.org/docs/faq/) and general [documentation](https://python-poetry.org/docs/) and believe...


Are there any plans to support newer versions of networkx? Would anyone be available to review a PR for this and make a new release if I were to do...

in `ga.Graph.__init__` we can specify `key_to_id`. I can't see any reason why this _must_ be a `stdlib.dict` and not any other class that implements the `typing.Mapping` protocol (`__getitem__`, `__len__`, `__iter__`)....

A contrived minimal example that triggers for me: ```python class Foo: def info(arg) -> None: ... foo: Foo = Foo() world = "world" foo.info("hello {world}".format(world=world)) foo.info(f"hello {world}") ``` Gives a...