Patrick Paul

Results 8 comments of Patrick Paul

Might also be worth monitoring the `statik` library module to restart the watch process also for us when we are developing. ;)

You could probably write a simple template tag that looked at `os.environ['DEBUG']` or similar and returned either the JS snippet or null.

@bigo Just got burned by this myself -- though fortunately not affecting any end users. Looks like suggestion elsewhere is to use RabbitMQ with celery to avoid this ETA/visibility timeout...

I do think Celery/Kombu should at least throw an error if an ETA exceeds the set visibility timeout when registering the task, however.

I hope to find the time to look into mobile tomorrow. Have you identified any obstacles in particular? _edit: Or is this something you have strong feelings about implementation?_

@Wildhoney No, I never made the time, unfortunately.

@nmccready: As someone that uses the Leaflet.draw fork that added mobile support, I definitely think it would be cool for these two projects to figure out mobile together. It's been...

In lieu of `bower.json` you can add this to your dependencies to get the `0.5.0` release here: `"jQuery.autotype": "mmonteleone/jquery.autotype#0.5.0"`