
Results 18 comments of pznamensky

I'm not sure that it is the right way, but simple replacing `tcp4` with `tcp` in `net.ResolveTCPAddr()`, `net.ListenTCP()` and `net.DialTCP()` does the trick. I've tested mesh with prometheus alertmanager when...

I'm sorry for the delay. But as far as I remember both were used. Several times used IPv4. And several times used IPv6.

It would be useful in case of using dual stack (IPv4 and IPv6) too.

Thanks for the explaition. We faced with this in the first time.

I ended up writing https://github.com/pznamensky/gmetrics-exporter, which is and nearly the same as https://github.com/amarts/glustermetrics but for Prometheus. Thanks, @amarts. And I still hope gluster/gluster-prometheus will do it inside own exporter.

After installing the exporter, we got an overview of the load type per client. It is really helpful for us. And that's why I hope Gluster-prometheus project will include similar...

Did anyone find a working solution for creating backups? I feel very uncomfortable without backups on production :slightly_smiling_face:

Canary deployment could help with it: canary starting before killing present allocation.

I'm faced with the same issue. We're using levant as a deployment watcher in our CI, and it blocks further steps until a deployment successfully finish, which is super useful...

Are there any news? :slightly_smiling_face: Alex Dulin's PR seems to be working fine.