Hi @Nara0731 ! We have recently added this section to the README: https://github.com/openai/baselines/blob/master/README.md#using-baselines-with-tensorboard basically, you need to set env variables: OPENAI_LOGDIR to where you want the tensorboard files to be...
hm... let's solve it one step at a time. Could you run `import os; print(os.environ)` in python?
Thanks! Yeah, so basically one way or another the OPENAI_LOGDIR and OPENAI_LOG_FORMAT do not make it to the python process environment variables. The fix is really easy - add ```...
okay; could you post here your python code please? Thanks!
@srivatsankrishnan does logger print anything on the screen / in the log file? Logger only saves data when a logger.dumpkvs() (or logger.dump_tabular()) is called, which by default happens fairly rarely...
Hi @srivatsankrishnan ! Sorry about the lag. If all the progress.csv is empty, tb/ subfolder is empty and nothing interesting is printed on the screen, it means that 1) the...
oh now I see :) Yeah, the logger only saves scalars. As for long-term support of saving entire models in tensorflow / tensorboard support and serialization in general - this...
good point, thanks! Will fix shortly (or you can submit a PR :) - but in that case please add a test)
I am not sure I understand why HER would forget about collisions... If the negative reward due to collision is independent of desired goal and achieved goal, whenever transition that...
ouch... Thanks for pointing it out!