
Results 112 comments of Mozi

@unbadfish ,你好! 在一个全新安装的 Windows 虚拟机中,我在一些环境中测试了 lrc-maker 的构建和运行情况: ## 环境 我使用了 node.js 14.17.0 ( npm 6.14.13 ),来自于 [Node.js]( 的“ Windows Binary (.zip) ”。 ### Cygwin 结果:成功构建并启动程序。 配置: ```console $ cygcheck -c...

@magic-akari ,谢谢回复。 > ……一般的 node.js 项目在 Windows 上开发应该是没有问题的。 我同意,毕竟 node.js for Windows 也是被官方支持的。 > makefile 在一般的前端项目里较为少见 …… 没错。另外,由于本项目的 makefile 并没有考虑跨平台的情况(例如使用 `ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT)` 语句),同时也无法由 CMake 或 qmake 等跨平台工具生成,所以该 makefile 只适用于你编写和测试它的环境(即 Linux...

[Off topic] @unbadfish 不如开个新的 issue ?毕竟你的内容与这个 issue 应该是没关联的。

Hi. I will try the option `-extraLib "msvc"` tomorrow, but please see #496 .

> maybe you know how to parse PE delay-loaded libraries? Well, for now I have no idea about that.

> maybe you know how to parse PE delay-loaded libraries? @EndrII Hi. Did you inspect the dependency tree of that program which needs the three dlls (EGL.dll GLESv2.dll d3dcompiler_47.dll) with...

Maybe you mean "run-time load library" instead of "delay-loaded library"? As [Linker support for delay-loaded DLLs | Microsoft Docs]( said, delay-loading uses the technology of run-time loading, and they are...

> I see you create this pull request to the master branch. I forgot it. Sorry. I will change it now.

## The 32-bit MSVC redist missed In my PC, the Qt installation folder is like this: ```shell C:\Qt> tree /A /F . \---5.15.0 +---mingw81_64 +---msvc2019 \---msvc2019_64 ``` The directory "msvc2019"...