legendgram copied to clipboard
Legendgrams are distributional visualizations for map classification schemes
This adds a few enhancements relating to default arguments & alternative position/size options for `loc`. It also moves the examples folder to `notebooks`, to keep in line with other PySAL...
@sjsrey & @ljwolf Would be a able to grant admin permission to @martinfleis, @knaaptime, and myself?
* [ ] CI * [ ] build docs * [ ] release & publish
xref – https://github.com/pysal/inequality/issues/55
Looking at the illustration maps we have on `README.md` (and others like [here](http://darribas.org/gds4ae/content/notebooks/03-Geovisualisation.html#choropleths-on-geo-tables)), it seems we're missing the top color on the palette.
It would be nice to also be able to use a custom scale for legendgram, in situations where the full colorbar/scale needs to be presented as well as how the...
@ljwolf Should `legendgram/test_legendgram.py` be moved into a new `tests/` directory?
This will make it play nice with the general structure required for the new [`notebooks`](https://github.com/darribas/notebooks/tree/nbs2.0) project.
Recently, I've been finding that I like the following "style" of legendgram interaction with continuously-varying classifications coming from `geopandas`: ```python legendgram(f,ax, data, np.percentiles(data, q=(1,*np.arange(10,100,10), 99), ...) ``` where the palettable...
The way I implemented "center", it doesn't actually center-align the legend, it only pins the legend to a center coordinate. So, if you wanted a "center-aligned" legend, you'd need to...