Ingo Brand
Ingo Brand
How is it possible to omit the noisy logs from the liveness-probe container? I tried using `node.logLevel: 0` in the helm chart, but this did not omit these logs: ```...
It would be really nice to support the capped streams aka "MAXLEN ~ " function of via a new config option to automatically evict old streams. I suggest something...
Hi, we have a local oura v1.7.1 with elastic sink running on **PREPROD** using this daemon.toml: ``` [source] type = "N2N" address = ["Tcp", "preprod-relay.:6000"] magic = "1" min_depth =...
We have oura setup with a kafka topic sink: ``` [source] type = "N2N" address = ["Tcp", ":"] magic = "mainnet" min_depth = 6 [source.intersect] type = "Tip" [source.mapper] include_transaction_details...
Is it possible to use colors? I tried the following config but it did not work as expected: ``` templates: message.tmpl: | {{- if ne .Status "Resolved" -}}{{- else -}}{{-...
### Environment The [CLI](../../packages/cli) can be used to gather generic information about your system to assist with support. No installation is required thanks to [npx]( ``` console npx @cardano-graphql/cli system-info...