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A plugin tracks occurrences and numbers in your notes

Results 170 obsidian-tracker issues
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# Description Please include a summary of the change and which (if any) issue is fixed. Please also include relevant motivation and context. List any dependencies that are required for...

Someone else posted about this on the Obsidian forum: https://forum.obsidian.md/t/custom-hour-shift-for-sleep-tracker/45928 It's an issue I've been trying to solve but don't know how. The example sleep tracker doesn't show times before...

I have a Y value in seconds but would like the Chart to show Minutes. Is there a syntax for dividing by 60? ## Desired Behavior Currently I'm extracting the...

I want to track the different tea types I had during a day using a list field in the front matter of a daily note: ``` --- type of tea:...

help wanted

Using the searchType frontmatter and tags works, but mixing frontmatter and text either results in `Error parsing YAML` or only the first searchTarget being rendered. ## Expected Behavior So notes...

First just want to say thanks so much for this excellent plugin! ## Expected Behavior When using a line graph, it can be useful to set a reference band (aka...

help wanted

I have the following set up to show days I practice violin: ```tracker searchType: frontmatter searchTarget: Violin folder: Daily fixedScale: 2 month: mode: annotation annotation: 🎻 ``` The issue happens...

Steps to reproduce: 1. Create tracker with parameters: searchType: frontmatter searchTarget: some_target datasetName: Sleep folder: Calendar fixedScale: 0.8 month: color: steelblue headerMonthColor: green selectedRingColor: orange 2. Go to reading view...

![Captura de tela 2024-01-21 183207](https://github.com/pyrochlore/obsidian-tracker/assets/143296622/600f9551-135c-43ba-a673-85576ee6a56f) Could someone please help me with the following issues? The queries (I've wrote just two because they kind of repeat, just changing the search target)...

When I set "mode: annotation" for the month view, the datasetName no longer functions as the title ## Expected Behavior Obviously I expect that the datasetName should act as it...

help wanted
good first issue