Pierre-Yves Luyten
Pierre-Yves Luyten
The *Messages* buffer says something more pocket-lib--request: Symbol’s value as variable is void: request-token
i set the variable but i have not much Message Entering debugger... tabulated-list--column-number: No column named Added Error in post-command-hook (global-display-line-numbers-mode-check-buffers): (error "No column named Added") My version is *GNU...
The new commit does not change , but debug-on-error on a clean emacs sessions provides more information Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-variable request-token) pocket-lib--authorize() pocket-lib--request(get :data (:offset 0 :count 50 :detailType...
ah, nice. it's good news this is already included, sorry i missed it - if i use numbers from the main keyboard panel, it directly switches to the window. This...
Yes i'm not sure neither how to check super is pressed. I'd ilook at below commit (who knows this might help for #17, too ) https://git.gnome.org/browse/mutter/commit/?id=6c3985220ecc685595bc2c02af60ffe4a6d7d0c1
well of course there is the direct way, do not listen to a key but inject WorkspaceView init this is what WindowNavigator does injectToFunction(WorkspacesView.WorkspacesView.prototype, '_init', function(width, height, x, y, workspaces)...
I wrote "trivial" but forgot about separator. ``` lisp (defun pyl/mu4e-create-dir (&optional prompted) (interactive "MEnter folder name : ") (let ((full (concat mu4e-maildir (funcall mu4e-completing-read-function "Parent dir : " (mu4e-get-maildirs))...
For what its worth i could reproduce the issue almost each time i play a track in one of my 150+ songs album. (I have several.) Setting DevActivityPanel="false" seems to...
a comment mentions http://www.subsonic.org/pages/api.jsp#getStarred2 Very interesting, because i believe subtracks currently lacks "favorite songs" tab. We have favorite albums/artists/playlist. Not favorite songs -> as soon as i shoot a client...
You can still implement stars /favourites as a filtering feature only. The user flags his note as "important" or whatever, either predefined or custom flag(s). From a search bar, the...