Pierre-Yves Luyten
Pierre-Yves Luyten
about round-a-bout, this could not work properly in all cases. regarding usefulness, i think Emacs is so nice because we learn it's internals in order to customize or even improve...
yes i think you are right there is no way at the moment. So i suggest to open a bug against Emacs. I can do this eventually.
@justbur ok let's try. Just describing the feature request is already hard. Here it is https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi/bugreport.cgi?bug=29141
@p-e-w Do you think a "default selection fallback" for un-supported output unlike 'ls'? Or some selection regardless of the command?
> The docs are outlining how to set up a http server, so I'm not sure that should necessarily be a requirement. [...] We probably should make a note about...
by the way for some reason, my setup does now work. Only thing i did in the meantime was to test from local machine . Did this test actually...
@JustAMan just checked, after last restart (basically each time i tried to load a proxy_xxx module) i was still trying to acess, with no luck. And the site config has...
The reason it did not work is just Firefox 65.0.2 (64-bit). Firefox on Android works, Chrome works, but not this version.. Which is why i could not figure what i...
@mcarlton00 , sorry i missed this! Some clearing in firefox persistent data and it works now (even in normal mode). before it worked i also wondered : "now i wrote...
tried `emacs -q`. So in scratch buffer i had to load pocket-reader. (require 'package) (package-initialize) (require 'pocket-reader) Then called `pocket-reader` . I have the same error Symbol's value as variable...