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Sparse multi-dimensional arrays for the PyData ecosystem

Results 76 sparse issues
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Right now, we are only using Scipy in: - `dot`/`tensordot` - Conversion to/from `scipy.sparse.spmatrix` subclasses. Is it sensible keeping it as a hard dependency anymore?


It would be nice to have an SVG version of the sparse logo. While at it: - It seems that the lines are not really parallel, not sure if that...


**Describe the bug** np.nanmean of sparse array does not match numpy result **To Reproduce** ```python import numpy as np import sparse as sp array = np.array([0. +0.j, 0.+np.nan * 1j],...


**Describe the bug** Calling `sparse.COO.max` on an array larger than 2 ** 32 - 1 fails a `TypeError` like so: ```python >>> a.shape (4294967296,) >>> a.max() Traceback (most recent call...


**Describe the bug** When working with arrays with sizes of 32 bit (i.e an array with a max size 2**31-1), the function _cartesian_product encounters overflow and calculates a negative value...


**Describe the bug** The slice operator (`__getitem__`) produces incorrect results in some cases for the class `GCXS`. **To Reproduce** I found this error working with a large matrix. This is...


It would be nice to save multiple arrays to a single npz file, just like in scipy.


**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.**, mask, b) is a replacement for a[mask] += b, except repeated indices will cause the addition to be performed...


Hi guys, do you have plans to add einsum to this library? I guess einsum from numpy is obtained from c. There are einsum operation I cannot directly convert to...
