
Results 4 comments of pycoco

> > 局域网 啊 亲 或者局域网防火墙 ,你好好看看 > > 是局域网,但就是几台电脑通过台交换机连接的局域网,非常简单,也没有什么防火墙,其他的网络通讯软件都能正常工作的 请问这个问题你解决了吗

I test on the eval dataset. Evaluating bboxes of pts_bbox mAP: 0.2751 mATE: 0.7179 mASE: 0.2738 mAOE: 0.5512 mAVE: 0.8747 mAAE: 0.2206 NDS: 0.3737 Eval time: 181.8s Per-class results: Object...

@ys-2020 Thanks for your quick reply and great work,i found that model with float16 will encounter loss nan problem in certain scenarios. Maybe it is caused by underflow/overflow. So this...

@ys-2020 In my scenario, i use voxelnext with voxel size `[0.05, 0.05, 0.15]`, range `[-100.0, -100.0, -1.5, 100.0, 100.0, 4.5]` and own dataset. FP32 is normal but training time is...