> My raspberry 4 with Kingston mSATA 120 GB SSD x586 card from GeekWorm works perfect with 5.8. > My raspberry 3B+ with Kingston mSATA 120 GB on GeekWorm x850...
> > > My raspberry 4 with Kingston mSATA 120 GB SSD x586 card from GeekWorm works perfect with 5.8. > > > My raspberry 3B+ with Kingston mSATA 120...
I am seeing this now.. i have 2 sensors DHT22 + BMP280 connected to my ESP32 Now after trying to move to Noise Encryption i am seeing connection closed messages...
With singles like BMP680 / ESP32 and PMSA003 / ESP32 ... i didnt have a problem
Examples of logs [15:55:17][C][api:143]: Using noise encryption: NO [15:55:24][D][dht:048]: Got Temperature=0.5°C Humidity=97.0% [15:55:24][D][sensor:125]: 'DHT22 Lämpötila': Sending state 0.50000 °C with 1 decimals of accuracy [15:55:24][D][sensor:125]: 'DHT22 kosteus': Sending state 97.00000...
I still keep getting BAD INDICATOR status Thus i ask the community + developers.. whats going on ?
Thanks for the info SlowStopper, although i did delete and readd sensor in ESPHOME dashboard but nevertheless.. it now works OK using Noise encryption!
Same error but i just closed the error window and reconfigured again.. QR code became visible and authentication in smart life app successfull
> I really appreciate your attitude that user options resolve many ideas that might be good but maybe not!. Ok maybe my comment doesnt serve the proper github protocol but...
I can also confirm beta 5 works great