Peter Rose
Peter Rose
Mac osx-64 is a common development platform. While modin-dask is available for osx-64, modin-ray is not.
See issue: I looked at the entity information in the MMTF files and indeed for example in 1o2f the third entity is missing (3 non-polymer syn 'PHOSPHITE ION' )....
neo4jupyter (v 0.1.2) doesn't seem to work in Jupyter Lab: import neo4jupyter neo4jupyter.init_notebook_mode() Javascript Error: require is not defined
Use GISAID deep links as URLs as described here:
We need to refactor the code that processes variants to re-instate the update process.
The URls to download the Mexican confirmed cases and death give a 404 error (see: We need to find out if there is a different way to download these...
The plot "Cummulative {pathogen} structures by release date" should use a unique color for each type of protein. notebooks/analyses/Coronavirus3DStructures.ipynb
Use log scale to display number of strains per country in :
IndexError: list index out of range when running: