Paweł Biernat

Results 12 issues of Paweł Biernat

Using `Exponential(x)` distribution should be equivalent to using `Gamma(1,x)`, yet I'm getting different results when I use one or the other as the approximation of the posterior in `KLqp`. For...

Just a small fix, the timeplot was ignoring xrange (it was overwritten inside the function).

Hi, I have been playing around with iterator version of `oderkf` and came up with my own implementation. My idea was what follows: make `oderkf(F,x0,tspan::Vector)` behave as previously and add...

Wouldn't it be better if we returned a Dict type instead of a tuple? In particular, what would be the downsides of returning ``` `Dict('t'=>tout,'y'=>yout)` ``` or ``` `Dict(:t=>tout,:y=>yout)` ```...

I've been training the `gpuCTM` model and I noticed that after the initial phase of increase in ELBO the training started to yield negative delta ELBO values (this happend after...

I'm trying to construct a weighted graph with self-edges using the `SimpleWeightedGraph(srcs, dsts, weights)` constructor from [here]( but the weights of self-edges seem to be counted twice. For example ```...

Remove the definitions of `InterpolateAt`, `InterpolateDerivativeAt` etc. from `DASSL.jl` and move them to the `InterPoly.jl` package (or other suitable Julia package).


Are there any plans to make this a drop-in replacement from Float64 or BigFloat? At this stage this is impossible because most of the missing basic math functions like sin,...

For example, `DocStringExtensions` produces the signature ``` julia iterate(ivp; solver, opts...) ``` for the following function definition ``` function iterate{S

Priority: Medium
Status: Available
Type: Decision
Type: Enhancement