
Results 5 comments of pwidak

I have simmilar problem. I train custom model and use it. Always one class 100% remained 0 even if i use images from training folder form other class. ![25_08_2021_zrzut_1839]( ![25_08_2021_zrzut_1840](

still dont work to me. other classes has more than 0, but always one classes is favorited by model.

of course. ![30_08_2021_zrzut_1846](

Ok i probably find. 60% of my photos is one class. when I equalized the division of photos in the training set, it started to work better.

oh i mistake. If model isn't train well that better, but when i trained to: "Epoch 66/66 62/62 [==============================] - 916s 15s/step - loss: 0.1928 - accuracy: 0.9258 - val_loss:...