Yes i saw that project and thank you. I'm using Consul's dashboard and counting example - no docker or k8s. Here's what i noticed: ./haproxy-consul-connect -dataplane /opt/haproxy/bin/dataplaneapi -haproxy /opt/haproxy/bin/haproxy -sidecar-for...
Sorry perhaps i'm not clear. I'm referring to httplog and tcplog directives. We rely on these quite heavily. We've more than 100 instances of haproxy across multiple environments. When HAProxy...
Thanks will try that. HAProxy itself doesn't need tracing or even debug to generate httplog. I know this is different. Appreciate the help
Command i used: ./haproxy-consul-connect -dataplane /opt/haproxy/bin/dataplaneapi -haproxy /opt/haproxy/bin/haproxy -sidecar-for counting-1 -stats-addr -stats-service-register -log-level trace Log level trace does not work at all. Debug works but no http response/request logs...
Works with this: consul intention get dashboard counting Source: dashboard Destination: counting **Action: allow** ID: 7078703f-adc9-754e-6d1f-e6e73b0ad3e1 Created At: Wednesday, 06-May-20 15:47:32 UTC And works with this too: consul intention get...
Sorry...how do i do the dump of intentions? And yes, modified allow to deny. Thanks On Wednesday, May 6, 2020 Pierre Souchay wrote: @pvyaka01 Timestamps and IDs are identical, this...
Ok, understood. Any ideas how i can scrape this field? Thanks for the help!
Also, i took out --consul.require_consistent flag and this is what i get: level=error ts=2020-10-20T14:43:00.637Z caller=consul_exporter.go:398 msg="Failed to query service health" err="Get \"http://localhost:8500/v1/health/service/xxxxxxx?stale=\": read tcp> read: connection reset by peer"...
Yes, does make sense... did not know there's a flag "-no-consul.allow_stale", help doesn't show that flag. Will try. However, without require_consistent, i see a constant barrage of these messages: level=error...
Any feedback pls?