Pekka Vuorela
Pekka Vuorela
For very quick glance it's looking nice. Only detail I'm immediately pondering is whether the setLanguage part should be kept. What that code does is allowing empty text field cursor...
This is only fallback when the text direction cannot be inferred from the text content. Mostly deciding cursor position on an empty text field. For reference
Didn't do any special flags, just enabling qt6. Having Fedora 40 & Qt 6.7.1. ``` [ 1%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/maliit-common.dir/common/maliit/settingdata.cpp.o In file included from /usr/include/qt6/QtCore/QMetaType:1, from /home/pvuorela/tila/src/maliit/framework/common/maliit/namespace.h:17, from /home/pvuorela/tila/src/maliit/framework/common/maliit/settingdata.h:15,...
Apparently the rather unhelpful compiler was about this With that I got the build a bit forward, eventually failing with ``` [ 20%] Linking CXX shared library /usr/bin/ld:...
> Seems strange, didn't investigate yet further. FWIW got qt6 build through by adding to CMakeLists.txt set_property(TARGET maliit-common PROPERTY POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE ON) set_property(TARGET maliit-connection PROPERTY POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE ON) I'm puzzled why Qt5...
> @pvuorela as far as I know Qt6 does not set `-fPIC` unconditionally anymore. a related discussion of those issues e.g. can be found here, Ah, that would explain...