Hi! Thanks for making this library, I was wondering if we could add a feature to be able to set the state when requesting a code_auth url. It could either...
**What is your question?** Not sure if I'm missing something or theres a bug with the code but I am unable to fetch access_tokens from the refresh token. I am...
I was wondering if there was a reason reqwest don't support HTTP response status code 425 too early: RFC Here: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8470 If this seems reasonable to add I'm happy to...
Hi! I was wondering if the error: CSV serialize error: serializing maps is not supported, if you have a use case, please file an issue at https://github.com/BurntSushi/rust-csv could support using...
This isn't exactly one-drive but it is very one-drive related. This api allows us to grab the user's preliminary info like name/email and we can tie this in to show...