I run into the same problem for testing webapi POST route. I think the WithPostBody can accept string. A user then can just serialize his dto to any format the...
It seems the typescript 4.3 handles the relative paths differently. The workaround is to tweak your parser configuration in the following way: ```js propsParser: (filePath, source, resolver, handlers) => {...
I will reopen it. As this should fix properly in the library.
I think this is pretty common complain. Unfortunately, I think this can be handled for all cases only with completely different tool, something like https://typedoc.org/. The output of `react-docgen-typescript` is...
In version `2.1.1` it should work or better to say, it should return the component with the name of the file. Can you try it? Does it work for you?
Do you know where styleguidist expect to have this field? In other words where the parser should put it?
I understand the problem you are trying to solve. I think it's a little bit harder to know if that's (#433) really a bug or not. I mean who knows...
Thank you for explaining these details to me. If we really need both could we come up with a better name than `rawExpression`? Something that would explain what to really...
> > Thank you for explaining these details to me. > > If we really need both could we come up with a better name than `rawExpression`? Something that would...
@TrevorBurnham What do you think about changing `rawExpression` to `rootExpression`?