### Problem The "next blog" link at the bottom of blog posts isn't pointing to the right path. Example: on the [first blog of the demo site](https://brevifolia-gatsby-forestry.netlify.app/blog/on-the-geneology-of-morals) the link points...
### Expected behavior Should be able to use Browsersync web UI at `localhost:3002` after issuing `stencil start` ### Actual behavior UI fails to load properly. The issue is described in...
### Expected behavior You should be able to move a component using a Foundation dropdown inside the mobile menu. For example, you should be able to move the [Currency Selector...
### Expected behavior Should be able to view a hidden product or category pages with stencil-cli using the `showHidden=true` query parameter. ### Actual behavior Hidden product/category pages show the 404...
### Expected behavior `stencil push` works. Or an easier to see and more informative error is shown. ### Actual behavior `stencil push` fails with the error `worker initialization failed`. ###...