Baralga don't save the name of all projects, which I have (it do not save some projects with the time zero). Example: I have six projects, three of them with...
Baralga don't remember width columns (General ->All activities -> Project; Date; ... | Time -> Hours by day -> Day; hours | and so on. Baralga expands the columns to...
The window Stopwatch should be as small as possible; now, it is very robust — too much high and too much long: it is useless. --- Thank for care!
It absent the function: after set time idleness to let the windows with attention. This window must be over all others windows on working place. Very needed. --- Thank for...
The program Baralga has good filters such as this day, this week, ... this year; but ti has'nt needed filter FROM one day TO other day. --- Thank for care!