Would also love this - I just discovered Taiga, and figured I'd give it a try, since, while PMP wasn't on the supported player list, mpv was, which AFAIK is...
~~So, after doing some minor investigation, it would appear, as touched upon by earlier comments, that, when playing any media in **Plex Media Player**, all the necessary information is available...
@erengy - Sorry to be a bother, but as this feature request has been around for quite some time, and the last response was in 2016, I was hoping you...
@erengy - Sad to hear it, I really like Taiga's setup. Thanks for letting us know though, it is appreciated - guess I'll check back on Taiga sometime next year....
@erengy - So, I attempted to create a very basic kind of middleware that would put Plex's play data in a format and location Anisthesia could read, in the form...
I wrote a little script that takes an Excel file full of episode filenames, and basically runs the **_processFilename** function from **AnimeInfoExtractor.py**, and writes the values of each class property...
So, at least for the Tatami Galaxy filenames, the recognition issue seems to be that it takes the first number after a '-' to be the episode number; if there...
OK, I think I've solved your core issues, with the exception of filtering the NCEDs/NCOPs/OVAs/etc - AnimeInfoExtractor.py isn't really set up to _not_ identify a file, even when it finds...
@FichteFoll As far as I can tell, I have managed to clear up the identification issues that originated in AnimeInfoExtractor.py - if you would be willing to try it out...
No problem - I am still quite ill, so my ability to work on anything is fairly sporadic because of it anyway; In part I just wanted to make sure...