Donovan Tengblad
Donovan Tengblad
Usually you have to restart the bot when you subscribe to a new channel, otherwise it wont answer
I am getting the same problem, and have tripple checked the access token
I am stuck on this too, can you please give an example of how to use charCode et detect "?"
Here you are, it is a verry basic example. instructions are in the README file. By the way I used nest cli to generate the app.
The @EventPattern decorator, has exactly the same problem, I have updated my repo with an example.
A Ha! I am on to something: if I change my simple nats emitter from ``` nats.publish('sms.send', JSON.stringify({ message: "JSON payload!" })); ``` to ``` nats.publish('sms.send', JSON.stringify({ data: "JSON payload!"...
@kamilmysliwiec I would love to provide a pull request to fix this issue, but I am a Lerna noob and have no idea how to get the package.json of my...
I dont think it is a documentation issue, I think is the way that Nest microservices communicate via NATS is incorrect in that a NATS payload should be by default...
IMHO, the nats-server should be initialised as a sting by default, or JSON via a new option example: ``` const app = await NestFactory.createMicroservice(ApplicationModule, { transport: Transport.NATS, options: { url:...