Thanks for the reply! Your suggestion helped direct my troubleshooting, the API key is in the `pws-api.js` file under `~/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/com.github.rliwoch.plasmoid-wunderground-extended/contents/code`. I changed the API key and restarted plasma, but I'm...
I used the one in the issue you linked, but maybe it's bad, I might see if I can get my own key and try it.
I don't know, Wunderground just redirects to a 404 instead of actually **being helpful** and giving documentation on how to get an API key, I'm trying to dig around Google.
I finally found where to get API keys, https://developer.ibm.com//callforcode/tools/weather/, requires making an account, tho the page warns that for some reason, any API keys from here will stop working on...
Yeah, my widget has once again completely stopped working. Don't know what is going on at this point, back to "access denied" even when using my own API key that...
Ah, so as we were suspecting, it's not the widget's fault, IBM is just gradually pulling plugs on free stuff and paywalling it. Sucks. Maybe I'll just look into a...