Thanks for reply My step as follow my project name is "tt2mobile 4.26" i copy the folder agones/sdks/unreal/Agones to tt2mobile 4.26/Plugins/ edit tt2mobile 4.26\Source\tt2mobileServer.Target.cs as follow // Fill out your...
the another thing i have tried is to use TSharedRef to call "http://localhost:9358/health" TSharedRef Request = Http->CreateRequest(); FString Url = "http://localhost:9358/health"; Request->SetContentAsString("{}"); Request->SetURL(Url); Request->SetVerb("POST"); Request->SetHeader(TEXT("User-Agent"), "X-UnrealEngine-Agent"); Request->SetHeader("Content-Type", TEXT("application/json")); UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning,...
Thanks your reply i did what you suggest and got it work now. ^^