Some old pipelines currently the logic of writing is too complex. It needs to be refactored to improve maintainability and stablity. ### Goals - [x] **pingcap/tidb** presubmit - [x] **pingcap/tidb**...
Optimize the tikv multi-branch build pipeline.
add build failure cause config
For fixing bug issues and associated pull requests, we will add a check item called **"check-issue-triage-complete"** to ensure that bug issues are triaged before merging the pull request. By default,...
## Enhancement The current pipelines has some issues, which have brought a significant burden to the maintenance and updates of the pipelines. * When checking out the code, if the...
Some tiflash-scripts pipelines need to manage through jobdsl for easy subsequent updates and maintenance.
If the pipeline exit due to overtime, it is necessary to correctly collect and archive the log of timeout task.
The package paths of the two environments should normally be consistent. https://github.com/PingCAP-QE/ci/blob/main/jenkins/pipelines/cd/tiup/tiup-mirror-update-multi-products.groovy#L205-L210
Now, before merging a PR in the tidb repository, several pipelines are triggered to validate and ensure the quality of the PR. These pipelines typically consume fewer resources and have...
Some pipelines run tests on arm machines directly, it is better to use arm pod to ensure consistency of the testing environment. - [ ] titan_ghpr_test - [ ] tikv-ghpr-clippy-linux-arm64...