Resolves # ## Description give()->donations->getLatestDonation() gave the first donation and vice versa. solve : invert sort order DESC ASC this was the easiest method to get the job done ##...
## User Story As an admin, I want resend receipt for some donations. ## Details nonce checking fail with message "We are unable to recognize your session. Please refresh the...
Now that the plugin is available in Obsidian's community plugins section, it is necessary to correct the README.md on this subject. > The plugin is not yet available in Obsidian's...
# New: Enhance API endpoint to support additional filters Resolves #7484 ## Description Enhances the `Give\Donations\Endpoints\ListDonations` API endpoint to support additional filters, providing the necessary hooks for compatibility with third...
Dans les exports de données, pour les colonnes correspondant à une question de questionnaire, si aucune réponse n'est enregistrée pour l'individu/famille/donnée, la réponse par défaut (de la table questions) s'affiche...
Bonjour, J'ai voulu lancer Noethys depuis les sources et je me suis heurté à un problème : une partie des liens pour installer les dépendances (pour Windows) répertoriées dans le...
## Issue `Tests_MISC_Functions->test_give_meta_helpers`'s data provider had side effects, which caused unexpected failures when using the --filter option of PHPUnit. ## Solution - Removal of data provider side effects ## Impact...
## User Story As an admin user, I want the ability to filter the list of donations by donor ID so that I can manage and review donations from specific...