
Results 47 comments of pulquero

I'm not seeing any scanStart events either. scanStop works fine.

Came across this for the python client https://pypi.org/project/paho-socket/. Might be a stop-gap for some of us while we are waiting on this issue.

select (count(?o) as ?c) {?s ?p ?o} with binding o='foo'

Example fix: ``` . . . for (String name : bindings.getBindingNames()) { String replacement = QueryStringUtil.valueToString(bindings.getValue(name)); if (replacement != null) { String pattern = "[\\?\\$]" + name + "(?!\\s?\\))(?=\\W)"; select...

Ref: https://arxiv.org/abs/1710.10321

It is essentially the characteristic function of the tig. This includes three ways to calculate it, but maybe you just want to go with the middle one, it's a reasonable...

I'm interested to see how compute_spectrogram() compares. Any refs I can read? Looks like it should work in a similar way. Previously, I've looked at spectral graph wavelet signature (https://arxiv.org/abs/1705.06250),...

Please also add a `nodes` parameter to `compute_spectrogram()` so it can be computed for subsets. (I use this to batch up nodes and distribute on spark).

Btw, I believe there is a 'technical' bug in compute_norm_tig. I think the norm should be over the 'nodes' (axis=0) not the 'signal'.

(Heat) kernel centrality should be added too (norm of the tig), being very similar to the other two.