Vu Ho
Vu Ho
for guys who are looking for cpd_strokeColors not working, just define your own CircularProgress in style, and add that attribute to your item style.
Same problem @paulo-coutinho on M1 Any solutions everyone?
Use key for refresh Tags view. **View:** Button( "Click to clear", onPressed: () { controller.reset(); } ), Obx( () => Tags( key: controller.tagStateKey, itemCount: controller.listItem.length, itemBuilder..... ); ) **Controller:** Rx...
I also got this error. Any solutions for iOS? > [] Unhandled Exception: MissingPluginException(No implementation found for method Task#startPutData on channel #0 MethodChannel._invokeMethod (package:flutter/src/services/platform_channel.dart:313:7)
here is a solution work for me (flutter_slidable version 3.0.0) 80% swipe right to left (0.8 threhold) to popup ask for delete => if yes, delete and dismiss, otherwise keep...