
Results 9 issues of Sven

create vars file for RHEL9 support


It would be nice to setup the API Token for the superuser, to ensure that objects in NetBox could be created directly after installing.

good first issue

##### SUMMARY Since vSphere 7 VMware has a new feature called vSphere Lifecycle Manager-Images, those images are cluster specific. This feature replaces more or less the old VMware Update Manager....

Simple Demo how to use CSI Plugin on Hetzner Cloud


##### SUMMARY Since vSphere 7 VMware has a new feature called vSphere Lifecycle Manager-Images, those images are cluster specific. This feature replaces more or less the old VMware Update Manager....

##### ISSUE TYPE - Bug Report ##### SOFTWARE VERSIONS ###### pynautobot 2.0.2 ###### Ansible: 2.16.2 ###### Nautobot: 21.1 ###### Collection: 5.1.0 ##### SUMMARY Fields from type interger are reported as...

##### ISSUE TYPE - Bug Report ##### SOFTWARE VERSIONS ###### pynautobot 2.0.2 ###### Ansible: 2.16.2 ###### Nautobot: 2.1.1 ###### Collection: 5.1.0 ##### SUMMARY creating new hardware EoL entries will fail...


##### ISSUE TYPE - Feature Idea ##### SOFTWARE VERSIONS ###### pynautobot 2.0.2 ###### Ansible: 2.15.8 ###### Nautobot: 2.0.6 ###### Collection: 5.1.0 ##### SUMMARY When creating new device templates with interfaces,...

good first issue

### Environment * Nautobot version: 1.2.1 * nautobot-plugin-device-lifecycle-mgmt version: 0.3.0 ### Proposed Functionality It should be possible to assign a Contact to multiple Contracts ### Use Case We've different contracts...

status: accepted