Jorn Luiten
Jorn Luiten
I don't like adding `` to my component because Enzyme ~~has a bug~~ is acting different than expected. For now I'm using this as a workaround (modified @knightjdr's example): ```javascript...
Thanks @ctavan for the review. I fixed translate. Don't know how the tests passed, they didn't when I checked locally. But now they do. Checked the example after build, it...
@varmakarthik12 I already tested this, but tried again with your example. Unfortunately it doesn't work. Not with 3.1.3 anyway. If you check out the demo repo and replace the AddBook...
I have the same problem and google showed my this issue. Just realised I'm using pnpm workspaces. It seems you need to be in the workspace that actually has the...
Still a work-around, but if you still want to import normal svg's you can change the file name of svg's you do want to be picked up by svgr and...