
Results 6 comments of pu

可以在本地开个 http server,再在浏览器中访问

It works ``` cmd z-jump ${{ z_exe="$HOME/.local/share/zinit/plugins/skywind3000---z.lua/z.lua" lf -remote "send ${id} cd '$($z_exe -I -e $1)'" }} map Z push :z-jump ```

I have the same issue, too. But it can run well on my other computer with the same configuration file and system.

Here are my log and coq_settings.All of my config is in [this rope](https://github.com/zpyg/dots/blob/main/XDG_CONFIG/nvim/lua/plugins/configs.lua#LC48:~:text=coq_settings) https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/63000762/135721340-8888f24a-01f1-4e5b-a33b-54d637a2eb17.mp4 ```lua vim.g.coq_settings = { ["keymap.recommended"] = false, ["auto_start"] = true, ["clients.tabnine.enabled"] = true, ["keymap.manual_complete"] = ""...

