Paul York
Paul York
Currently VSCode/Monaco supports linting for a good number of languages, but HTML is not one of them. VSCode makes up for this with an extension: So, will VSCode extensions...
**Describe the bug** You have done a fantastic job stubbing out most of CircuitPython and the adafruit libs, but it appears that their "micro" version of `numpy`---`ulab`---is not included. **To...
Would be good to have an option to output the results of these commands as raw JSON and/or structured CSV to enable more complex scripting without the need for potentially... supports both a documented and an undocumented way of specifying composite primary keys. Documented: ``` Table CourseSection { Year char(4) SemesterCode char(2) SectionCode char(2) CoursePrefix char(4) [ref: > Course.CoursePrefix]...
When you change ref direction (>,
Thanks so much for this extension. It's excellent! One request would be to give some configurability over the mouse hover highlighting. One or more of: - ability to disable it...