
Results 55 issues of ptorrent

Is chisel version client 1.2.3 compatible with v 1.7.3 server ?

Is there a way to rebuild old chisel version ? I mean go build . is a real nightmare because you point github for module dependencies ?

Hey, 1) Is there a way to filter client access ? I mean allow client to open a tunnel only to specific host/port on server side ? -> OK "":...

Hello there ! How to accelerate a gid ? What do I have to pu in delay function ? I tried with convert command: convert -delay 1x300 animated.gif animated-fast.gif Delay...

Hey there ! I'm not able to compile from source ``` ./configure make ``` auth.c:893: undefined reference to `crypt' Is there a way to solve this issue ? Thanks a...

Hello, Is there a method to get last date of an expression (with a endDate option set)? Thanks for your help

Hi there, I'm using phonegap, When I start the app with "cordova-pluign-ionic-webview", i got this error: deviceready has not fired after 5 seconds. Step to reproduce: 1. Create a new...

Hello there ! Do you have some experiences with RevPi Mbus module ? Do you think this driver works with it ?

Hey therE ! I'm not able to get values from this meter, this is what I have with analyze: ``` wmbusmeters --analyze simulation_mymeter.txt Auto driver : not found! Best driver...

Hello there ! I was using sipjs with cordova on android 6 and everything was working well ! I'm trying now sipjs with android 8.1. The app was correctly ringing...