Peter Tillemans
Peter Tillemans
Maven uses some gothic structure to organize the content which seems optimized to not work with anything. it structures the files as ``` src - site -+- markdown + ......
When launching mocha-debug-XXX with a 'debugger;' statement, the debugger launches, ignores the debugger and the test suite finisches without allowing to debug. By moving the debug option from node to...
When using *org.clojure/clojurescript:1.10.844 compilation, romming and flashing goes fine but crashes during boot up with the error 'ID expected but found [' somewhere in the goog library where NOT_ALLOWED_TAGS are...
I started a project from the recommended template (which uses the esprit library via *mvn/version*) and noticed that whatever I dd, my pins were not added to *esprit.board/items*. Using $...
On Emacs-28.1 for Windows (emacs-version : Emacs 28.1 (build 2, x86_64-w64-mingw32) of 2022-04-21) when running M-x rustic -format-file the command does not terminate until C-c is pressed. Some debugging learned...