
Results 7 comments of pthelin

The holiday mode needs a start and end date, i guess thats whats missing (it can't only be a switch if you dont use todays date and a end date...

I tried changing from "1" to 1 and "0" to 0 but still get this error after reboot "Misslyckades med att anropa tjänsten switch/turn_off. FORMAT_ERROR: Input format error. {'httpStatusCode': 400,...

Misslyckades med att anropa tjänsten switch/turn_on. FORMAT_ERROR: Input format error. {'httpStatusCode': 400, 'errorCode': 1, 'timestamp': '2022-09-09T22:10:12.2492155Z', 'details': ['Error 14: 48043'], 'data': None} aiohttp.client_exceptions.ClientResponseError: 400, message="{'httpStatusCode': 400, 'errorCode': 1, 'timestamp': '2022-09-09T22:09:55.4202289Z',...

Yes, I did. aiohttp.client_exceptions.ClientResponseError: 400, message="{'httpStatusCode': 400, 'errorCode': 1, 'timestamp': '2022-09-09T22:49:11.9736972Z', 'details': ['Error 14: 48043'], 'data': None}", url=URL('') The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback...

It seems as you can only activate the vacation mode but not actually start it. But you could build a function that simulates the vacation-mode, turns off water-heating, lowering the...

I think parameter 48043 can be 0=inactive, 10=active. You also have parameter 41265 that can have values 0=Default,1=Away from home,2=Vacation. Still I don't think it actually starts it.

I have tried with both "10", "0" and 10, 0 but I still get the same type of error. ``` aiohttp.client_exceptions.ClientResponseError: 400, message="{'httpStatusCode': 400, 'errorCode': 1, 'timestamp': '2022-09-10T20:59:32.3417109Z', 'details': ['Error...