Patrick Dewey
Patrick Dewey
I am currently evaluating options for how to go about implementing this, I will link any updates I make here
- Adding (optional) persistence for yankbank entries, through the use of a pre-specififed file - ~~This is not adding db-based persistence~~ it *is* adding db-based persistence - Could be expanded...
Thanks for the great plugin! I was finding it mildly confusing to tell which file I'm in at any given time in a Rust project I've been working on recently...
Added class definitions for `Grid` and `Animation` with their respective fields and functions. This makes anim8 easier to work with by providing better completion and better function signatures. Signature help...
Fixed a few typos/grammatical mistakes in the API docs.
When attempting to lemmatize a word that appears as the first entry in a dictionary file from the lists repo ([](, the resulting lemmatized word contains the invisibile unicode '\'...