
Results 7 issues of ptcgh

## env OS: win7/ win10 / mac / linux PYTHON_VERSION: 3.x EASYTRADER_VERSION: 0.xx.xx BROKER_TYPE: gj / ht / xq / xxx ## problem 目前不支持同花顺的信用交易界面呢. 能支持的嘛? ## how to repeat

can i add a button in a cell?能在单元格内加按钮的吗?看示例里面好像没有。

导出的xlsx表格里面单元格的宽度都是默认宽度,不会随着luckysheet里面的设置变化。会是什么问题引起的 ?

$ ..\Scripts\celery -A pyramid_celery.celery_app worker --ini development.ini -------------- celery@PC v5.0.5 (singularity) --- ***** ----- -- ******* ---- Windows-7-6.1.7601-SP1 2021-04-25 09:05:13 - *** --- * --- - ** ---------- [config] -...

when i input too many data , will appear a scroller out the vue3-excel-editor. ![image]( ![image](

when i click the space in the cell ,how to maintain the content of the cell to edit?

subscribe and then how to receEvent