This lib is great! Confirmed Fix: remove the Peer Dependency block = three:0.89.0 from package.json. Posts on Three.js forum ( ) recommend to discontinue using three.interaction, but it's a...
Still using fork of this great lib. But, beyond v0.130 it seems the lib has other issues beyond just the peer dependency block.
Big Ups and huge props for shipping this!! Is there a new version of this branch to use ESM import support during the review period?
+ Leverage NPM without sacrificing precise control of module loading + Debugger breakpointing exactly mirrors source code + Promise based import(path).then(obj => ) load optimization + Faster dev time e.g....
Yes ffmpeg was installed. Hmm nothing in Pictures folder.
I clicked start recording but I don't recall if there was a message. I've since removed it and implemented a small openCV script to address the issue. If you're targeting...
I know I already mentioned this one but was just tagging to keep it organized in the appropriate stream
I would rank this as the most important missing feature. All other major apps in this space have this capability.
That feature demo video is top class. Really excited for this key feature.
Still experiencing this issue in 3.10.0.