Petr Šťastný
Petr Šťastný
I also experienced this problem and found a cause. 1. `Attachment::create()` - when attachment does not have filename, it calls `Parser::fromStream()` with stream as parameter 2. `Parser::fromStream()` does some...
I fixed this issue in my cluster by manually adding these permissions to **eksctl-KarpenterControllerPolicy-CLUSTERNAME** policy: - iam:GetInstanceProfile - iam:CreateInstanceProfile - iam:TagInstanceProfile - iam:AddRoleToInstanceProfile These are apparently missing when configuring Karpenter...
Just had the same issue. All my k8s nodes crashed, but after k8s recovery, OpenSearch cluster did not recovered. Only one pod from statefulset started. I also had to stop...
@prudhvigodithi I also encountered this problem with the last version (2.5.1)