Philippe Soares

Results 6 comments of Philippe Soares

#578 I created seems to be related to this issue too. Can't do dojo builds without code modifications, because dojo builds are created on the server through nodejs or rhino.

This is particularly annoying for building private EKS clusters that use spot instances and don't have internet access. They need

Just stumbled upon this use case and ended up doing what looks like a dirty workaround: ```java Flux orderedProducts = Mono.fromFuture(queryGateway.query(new FindFoos(), ResponseTypes.multipleInstancesOf(Foo.class))) .flatMapMany(Flux::fromIterable); ```

It does crash with a different stacktrace for me. Here is what I see in the error popup "IDE Internal Errors": ``` com.intellij.diagnostic.PluginException: 941 ms to call on EDT ClearLocalMessageHistoryAction#[email protected]...

I got the same error today.