Pasan Gamaetige
Pasan Gamaetige
__Only relates to `angular2` branch__ Improve the current Login page interface design. The current design does not seem attractive. It also needs a footer. Current background image repeats as well....
__Only relates to `angular2` branch__ Profile needs to contain details about the user. Data of the user can be fetched through the Github API. Need to discuss about what sort...
Current front-end is written with AnguarJS. It is better to use Angular 4 fot the front end because then it will allow us to use Angular CLI which makes most...
__Only relates to `angular2` branch__ The component that will be used by the user to create an issue(post). Need to decide on the fields that are needed and how the...
Stackle does not have a testing framework integrated in to its back end.
Stackle does not have a testing framework integrated in to its front end.