
Results 12 issues of pseregiet

* Add QuaternionMultiplyVec3 function (also * operator in c++) * Add Vec3Rotate (by quaternion) function (Just "Rotate" in c++) Notes: There is no SSE implementation I'm not an math expert...

Hi. HMM implements few quaterion functions but is missing one for rotating a vec3 position by a quaterion. I believe this is a correct implementation, a sample from a md5...

I'm working with u-boot, it's a bootloader for linux (and other) and it happens to have some non-ascii stuff in one of the headers (a font definition). AnyJumps fails to...

Game runs fine and fast. There is only one problem I found. When you go to the options and try to enter the graphics options, the whole game freezes for...

cmap_fmt4, cmap_fmt6 and glyph_id functions declaration and definition didn't match, causing errors when compiling for 32bit (-m32 compiler and linker flag). Some variables were created as unsigned long, pointer to...

Would be great if sokol_shape could also generate vertex buffers in such a way that it can be rendered as SG_PRIMITIVETYPE_LINES. Would be really useful for rendering regions, selection boxes,...


Because of the type of the free function this takes the most common use case of just passing 'free' produces a warning ``` Incompatible function pointer types initializing 'typeof (((&>map_types->t_key_free_func)'...

Because of this move we can now have a hashmap object on the stack or allocate it ourselfs. We have a separate function to initialize and deinitialize (free buckets) the...

Hi. This is an idea from SDL2. In SDL2 init function you can specify which subsystems you want to enable. For example you can enable only input if you don't...

I have this shader ``` @ctype vec2 HMM_Vec2 @ctype vec3 HMM_Vec3 @ctype vec4 HMM_Vec4 @ctype mat4 HMM_Mat4 @vs vs_particle in vec2 apos; in vec2 auv; in vec4 amodel1; in vec4...