Philipp Seiler

Results 12 comments of Philipp Seiler

Yes there are. There are several games. I name you a few: Guilty Gear 20th Anniversary Edition (includes Guilty Gear & Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus R) Cat Quest...

Maybe have a look at nxdumptool rewrite codebase. When dumping the game it recognizes both/all games. Thank you for your time.

This looks good to me. All base game title IDs and all update title IDs including the update version are recognized now.

This works like a charme. @sonik-br could you add this to the

Is there a way to help you debug this?

Unfortuantely not. I have experience with Makefiles and using gcc and stuff. But I haven't done anything with dotnet related yet. Only compiled a new version of Mono for my...

Not yet. I'll try it next week. Unfortunately I'm on vacation til then.

I can verify this. Tried a lot but nothing worked. Using openSUSE x86_64 with i3 as window manager. Steam is from my package manager.

Thank you for the fast update. I'm interested because of this: I mostly encoded my music in ogg vorbis. Unfortunately I'm not really experienced in c/cpp programming. Thank you...

@mackron can I donate you a few bucks for your effort? I didn't find any hints on your site. Vorbis support would be awesome!