Results 18 comments of pseidemann

you have `/gobot` twice in the path

seems like a mistake. did you try

this should install the cli to the default go binaries directory as "gobot": ```go build -o "$(go env GOPATH)/bin/gobot"``` (derived from

+1 It was not clear to me that I must migrate to the development branch. I first thought this is just for collaborators. Might be good to improve the wording...

@Jason3S, yes, good point. I think additionally to package names, also the whole import path of a package should not be spell checked

how did you fix this? I have the same problem with new relic.

thanks @qarmin. backtrace for v3.5.1.stable.official [6fed1ffa3]: ``` ================================================================ handle_crash: Program crashed with signal 11 Engine version: Godot Engine v3.5.1.stable.official (6fed1ffa313c6760fa88b368ae580378daaef0f0) Dumping the backtrace. Please include this when reporting the bug...

hi, just curious, which keyboard layout are you using? for me @ is at shift+2 (english or us)

@jeremiah-snee-openx, I think this would go too far for a spell checker, because it would then need to be aware of dependency management of any programming language it wants to...