Peter Schiffer

Results 28 comments of Peter Schiffer

Hi, just wanted to let you know that this works for me in Firefox, and it would be great to have the latest version available in Firefox addon store. Thanks...

It would be great if it's possible to call initial-setup unattended - i.e. for every question asked there must be command line option.

Could you verify the `/etc/pdns/pdns.conf` file inside of the container to check whether the config is as intended?

Ah, I understand now. The mysql check command doesn't work b/c it doesn't support SSL. Do you think you could update the command in a similar fashion as here:

If you are able to test this properly, I would love to accept your PR :)

Hey there! Thank you very much for your willingness to contribute to this repo. All of what you have proposed makes sense to me and I'll gladly accept your contributions....

Thanks for your honest answer. I'll see what I can do :-)

I can still see this issue in Artillery: 1.6.0-29

I'm also having this issue. ``` Terraform v0.14.8 + provider v3.22.0 + provider v2.0.2 + provider v2.0.2 + provider v0.2.1 + provider v3.0.0 ``` I'm...

@alexsomesan my cluster exists as well when running the first apply. I'm not able to use the latest version of provider b/c of other, already reported issues against 0.3.x